Layer 7 shaping not working or am I just being a n00b?
Since I did not get any joy with any of the Traffic Shaper Wizards as per previous posts, I decided to try and create some by hand. Problem is - even though I did add RDP and SSH to Layer 7 action queue to my qHigh queue, when there is lots of traffic on RDP/SSH I never see any data in the queue monitor in any queue other than qDefault. Why is this? What do I need to do to implement a simple traffic shaper where I prioritise RDP/SSH traffic?
Some screenshots of my current setup. If I did this completely wrong please point me to an article on how to set up pfSense 2.0 traffic shapers:

Looking at the source code for /usr/local/www/wizards/ it seems like the protocol based shaping would create floating outbound firewall rules. However after running the traffic shaper wizard (I deleted the above rules and tried again) I only see two entries under Floating - both for qVoIP. None of the other protocols I selected (RDP, VNC as High Priority) made it to this floating firewall ruleset.