DNS Forwarder Domain Override buggy?
it seems to me that the domain override feature ist not working. If i configure a override for the domain e.g. xyz.local to DNS Server (in other via IPSEC VPN connected network) nothing happens.
To override a single Host is no problem - that's working!
Any idea?
ps: i have RC3b
You need a fake route to send the traffic to the remote dns-server into the tunnel. Add a static route at system>static routes to <ip of="" remote="" dns-server="">/32 through gateway <local lan="" ip="" of="" your="" pfsense="">.</local></ip>
Great - that's the solution - it works fine now!
Here is another Question i dont realize why its not working: In my local LAN pfsense acts as a DHCP Server. In the DNS Forwarder i configured that leases should be registered in the forwarder. In that case the Forwarder should resolve the local Hostnames to IP Adresses … and this is exactly what it is not doing?!
Some Information what ipconfig is reporting about my network:
Hostname: zaphod
Primary DNS Suffix:
Connection Specific DNS Suffix: daheim.localpfsense is listing my Hostaname at Status/DHCP leases as "Zaphod"
And here is what nslookup tells me:
-------------------------- SNIP ------------------------
Standardserver: wall.daheim.local
Address: (This is a test ... its pfsense itself)
Server: wall.daheim.local
Address: wall.daheim.local
Address: (Not working with zaphod)
Server: wall.daheim.local
Address:*** zaphod.daheim.local wurde von wall.daheim.local nicht gefunden: Non-existent
domainZaphod.daheim.local (Not working with Zaphod)
Server: wall.daheim.local
Address:*** Zaphod.daheim.local wurde von wall.daheim.local nicht gefunden: Non-existent
-------------------------- SNIP ------------------------Is there something wrong with my configuration or is there a reason why thats not working?
Thanks in advance ... -
Check your clients systemsetting if your clients are in the correct domain. Does it work if you only try to resolve "zaphod" instead of "zaphod.daheim.local".
"ping zaphod" without "daheim.local" is working! If I "ping localhost" the reply is "zaphod" not "zaphod.daheim.local".
But does it realy matter? I think, if I (like i did) query a DNS server via NSLOOKUP and the resolver answers with "…Non-existent domain", it should not be a problem of the client machine?!
Is there a way to look into the table, where the DNS server holds its entrys? I found nothing in the status or diagnostic page or status.php.