Simple IPSEC site-to-site -> racoon: ERROR: failed to get sainfo.
I have two "2.0-BETA1 built on Tue Feb 16 03:11:46 EST 2010 FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE" and is trying to get a IPSEC site-to-site up and running. All settings are "default", doubled cheked keys and subnets.
Tunnel is not connecting and here are the error log :
Feb 17 10:51:15 racoon: ERROR: failed to get sainfo.
Feb 17 10:55:49 racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY message REGISTER
Feb 17 11:09:10 racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY message REGISTER
Feb 17 11:09:11 racoon: ERROR: failed to get sainfo.
Feb 17 11:13:37 racoon: ERROR: failed to get sainfo.
Feb 17 11:18:02 racoon: ERROR: failed to get sainfo.Site A:
x.0.y.20 aggressive 3DES SHA1 to Site BMode Local Subnet Remote Subnet P2 Protocol P2 Transforms P2 Auth Methods
tunnel LAN x.y.36.0/24 ESP AES (auto), Blowfish (auto), 3DES, CAST128 SHA1, MD5WAN
x.0.y.10 aggressive 3DES SHA1 to Site AMode Local Subnet Remote Subnet P2 Protocol P2 Transforms P2 Auth Methods
tunnel LAN x.y.38.0/24 ESP AES (auto), Blowfish (auto), 3DES, CAST128 SHA1, MD5