Upgrade to 2.0 BETA1 - "bad malloc type magic"
Currently running version 1.2.3 without any issues in a virtual machine.
Tried updating to pfsense 2.0 beta today using the manual updater (downloaded latest .tgz from snapshots.pfsense.org), seemed like everything was smooth watching the console screen while 2.0 was booting for the first time. Until I got this: (see attached image)
No access to webui, no nothing… and I don't have the slightest clue what could be the issue. Any ideas? solutions?
I saw this error about a month ago or so when I tried updating using the build-in auto-updater, I believe it was a janurary 22nd build of 2.0 beta I tried installing. Same results, but at that time I figured it was perhaps just a bug (which I should expect at times from a beta build).
Any info on this or solutions would be great, I'd really like to upgrade to 2.0! Thanks!
p.s. ignore the "pfSense-1.2.3prerelease" in the title of the vm console window, that's just the name of my vm when I initially set it up. I'm currently on the latest build of 1.2.3
My suggestion to help diagnose this problem would be to make a duplicate of this VM's machine definition - i.e. create a new VM of the same type, with the same specs - but perform a fresh 2.0 installation on it.
That way, you'll be able to tell if the problem is an issue with running 2.0 itself inside this particular virtual environment, or if the upgrade process was somehow responsible for the breakage.
If you upgrade with open-vm-tools installed, it will try to load the (now invalid for FreeBSD 8.0) kernel modules the next boot, causing a panic.
Not sure how (or even if) we can work around that, there isn't any code in 1.2.3 to force uninstall of that package, and it may panic after upgrade before it will run anything we could add to 2.0. That's along the lines of this:
http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/show/267added a note on this one there as well.
To work around it, just uninstall the open-vm-tools package before you upgrade.
Thanks for the info guys, I will try removing vm-tools first before I upgrade.
as a side note, I created a brand new VM with 2.0 and it's working fine.
I'll post again with my results after running the upgrade without vm-tools.
We might be able to hack around it using something in /tmp/post_upgrade_command if the kernel module is always named the same.