Static route on a multi-wan
I am trying to setup a single box on my network to use a specific ip from out multi-wan setup. I have tried setting up an LAN rule to do this but with out success. Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
Dyno -
to clarify, you want one machine on your LAN to appear to be using a public IP that differs to your default WAN IP for outbound traffic?
try using 1:1 NAT.gordon
Kind of I want one machine on my LAN (ex. to only use my WAN ip address and not load balance.
ah - right.
You need policy based routing. a firewall rule at the top of your LAN rules with:
Action: pass
Interface: lan
protocol: any
destination: any
gateway: default (or gateway IP of the specific WAN interface you want the traffic to go out on)NOTE: this rule must be above the LAN rule that routes traffic out through your loadbalancer.