Initial Wizard
It would be nice to have the possibility to add the DHCP-Range within the wizard. Is this a big problem? When I set the DHCP-server via console on the first run and set the DHCP-range, its set to a complete other range when I use the wizard. So if the setting is shown I can use the values inside or change them accordingly to my use.
To clear it up: On console I set the range to x.x.x.25 - x.x.x.30, after running the wizard the setting is x.x.x.10 - x.x.x.20. I have to change back to my old values. A bit annoying.
After finishing the wizard the IP behind the pfSense-Logo to jump to the WebIF is still double: https://x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x
Might be reasonable, not too sure. You might want to open a feature request in redmine for that
I thought there was a ticket for the link being messed up, I thought someone had already fixed it, or thought they fixed it.