OpenVPN Client Export not usable if user certificates contain apostrophe (')
I found an unusual situation where I created several user certificates without any special characters ("My Certificate", "His Certificate", etc) and was able to generate OpenVPN client export packages for Windows. Woot! Woot!
The problem: I created a new user certificate described as "Jim's Certificate" and now I cannot see any of the users in the OpenVPN Client Export user list.
Workaround : I removed the offending user certificate and created a new one without the offending apostrophe. I can now see all users with certificates in the Client Export user list.
I did not test to see if the same issue exists for apostrophes on the CA or other certificate descriptions.
Frank -
It's probably a case of that needing to be escaped somewhere. I'll try to reproduce it, but you may just want to open a ticket at
Thanks for the report. -
I think i've encountered the same error naming a client with the swedish letter "รถ". My guess is that this goes for all three swedish letters: "รฅ", "รค" and "รถ".
I think i've encountered the same error naming a client with the swedish letter "รถ". My guess is that this goes for all three swedish letters: "รฅ", "รค" and "รถ".
That is a very different bug, which already has an open ticket.