New install with a 192.168 wan address
I'm installing a pfsense box behind a microwave link that gets a 192.168 address and will be used as the wan interface. It is currently in bridge mode passing all traffic but the wan on the pfsense box will be dhcp and receive a 192.168 address. anything I need to do specifically on the pfsense box to make this happen since I'm not getting a real outside ip? any routing options I need to set? I will uncheck block private networks on the wan screen. I will probably make the lan side 10.0.0.*. any issues with that?
Nothing special to do besides make sure that your LAN subnet is different from the WAN subnet - i.e. set your lan to 10.21.x.x
Nothing special to do besides make sure that your LAN subnet is different from the WAN subnet - i.e. set your lan to 10.21.x.x
thanks for the reply! Works like a champ. Second pfsense rollout and everything went well. Man i love this distro!