Whre is the squid proxy pakage??? pls hel me!
Hello is no more squid pake avilable in pfsense??? is there anther Proxy avilable? or can i install it ??
thank u for help
The packages forum would be the right place to ask this.
Before you do however do use the search, and when you post provide details of the version of pfSense you're using (including whether full, embedded or nano) and exactly what the problem is and whether you can see other packages.
ok thank u very much. i will search the pakage forum an post there!¨
thank u for help
**im using
System information
Name pfsense.local
Version 1.2.3-RELEASE
built on Mon Dec 7 20:21:30 EST 2009
Platform nanobsdon a Alix 2d3 board**
Avilable Pakages
Backup System Stable
Cron Services Beta
Dashboard System BETA
Dashboard Widget: HAVP System BETA
Dashboard Widget: Snort System BETA
DenyHosts Services Beta
Fit123 System Stable
IGMPproxy Network BETA
IP Range Aliases System BETA
LCDproc Utility BETA
NRPE v2 Services Beta
Notes Status Stable
Open-VM-Tools Services Stable
platform: 1.2.1 Package Info VMware Tools
OpenOSPFD Routing BETA
OpenVPN Status System Beta
OpenVPN-Enhancements Security STABLE
PHPService Services Beta
Pubkey System RELEASE
Shellcmd Services Beta
States Summary System Beta
TFTP Services Stable
URL Table Aliases System BETA
Zabbix Agent Services FINAL
anyterm Diagnostics BETA
arping Services Beta
blinkled System So Alpha it's Omega
diag_new_states Network Management BETA
dns-server Services Beta
haproxy Services BETA
haproxy-dev Services BETA
haproxy-stable Services BETA
iperf Network Management Beta
nmap Security Stable
nut Network Management BETA
onatproto System BETA
pfflowd Network Management Stable
rate Network Management BETA
snort-old Security legacy
platformstunnel Network Management Stable
vHosts Services Stable
vnstat Network Management Stable
widentd Services -
Hmm weird.. You serious? Did you try to reboot your pfsense and check again the packages? If you cant see it again, try add the packages extract it in the right folder. If still no luck, re-install the pfsense or Factory resit. Hope this helps. Good luck
1.2.2 -
Hello jigp
I have now installed the nanoBSD again on a 4GB CF Card but the Squid Proxy is stillnow not avilable?? have realy no body a idea wahts happen with this Squid pakage on nanobsd 1.2.3 Image??
Pls need help :(
Squid has been disabled on NanoBSD embedded due to problems that some were having.
Mostly it was due to misconfiguration, so until the package can be updated with some code to stop people from killing their own systems, it will stay disabled.
ah ok thank u for this helpfull information. So is a pakage avilable that works similar to squid proxy and squid guard with content filtering?
Not at this time, it's just squid+squidGuard for that.
Ah okey so its posibale to modify the dns blacklist in the dns Blacklist Pakage?
An thank u very much for ur help im sory because that my english is very bad im living in switzerland and speeking german. In i have buyed the definitive Guide Book of Pfsense is realy nice!! :)
FYI- I re-enabled squid and squidguard on NanoBSD today. I added squid's "null" cache type which disables caching. Those using squid on nanobsd should use this type, and disable ALL logging.
Very nice work thank you very mutch!! :)