After installing 1.2.3-RELEASE-LiveCD in a hard disk the system doesn't boot!
I have two Fabiatech FX5622 systems, they are working fine, with NanoBSD 1.2.3.
I bought a new hard disk (160GB SATAII). I would like to install the pfsense into it, but I have a problem when I'm trying it.
I have finished the installation but when I would like to restart the machine the system doesn't boot. I see the boot2 process of bootstrap and I can't do anything else.FreeBSD/i386 boot Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/loader boot:
I connected the hard disk in an other PC and boot correctly.
Can help me someone, please?
Thanks. -
Did you install the embedded version?
I installed the NanoBSD 1.2.3 in a CF, but now I would like to install LiveCD in a HD, because I need the squid and other packages.
Then, install enbedded version in a HD, is it possible? Can be explained as?Thanks.
Embedded and (I believe) nano both use serial consoles. If you're using a monitor and keyboard then what you describe is expected, and documented. The full install uses VGA and is the only one that supports squid at this time.
Of course my darling!
But my problem is with a LiveCD in a full disk installation in a Fabiatech FX5622.
Can you know what is my problem?
Trust me, I ain't your darling ::)
When you do the full install, you've done so with a keyboard and monitor? Have you read the FAQs on troubleshooting? What about the boot troubleshooting FAQ?
I was trying to do some diferents configurations in a BIOS..
Now I get to boot the machine, but only boot until to the pfsense's menu. And not boot any version of pfsense.
I was trying to do this:
* If you can boot FreeBSD 7.x but not pfSense, try booting from a FreeBSD 7 Live CD and running the following (More Info):
fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 /dev/ad0
bsdlabel -B /dev/ad0s1
But the pfsense not boot.
Which is the next step?Thanks!
You may need to split the disk into two partitions. Make the first partition for / about 4GB or so, and then the remainder can be used for /usr or split between /usr and /var
Some BIOS implementations cannot boot if the first partition is that large.
You are right! I've done two partitions 4GB and the rest. And pfsense boot correctly.
Thanks Jim.Now, I try to find out, how to use the other espace (in the partition 2) to the primary partition.
Thanks a lot!