Udp and dns
I am using 1.2.3-RELEASE and there are times that there are several hundred to a thousand udp states open from my ip address to both of the dns servers that I designated in system ,general setup have searched for some time and have not been able to understand why this is happening. Also there are also only 1 to 2 users when this is happening the states are closed rather quickly but i still don't understand why there are so many open.
Depending on what your workstation is doing, it could be normal. If you are running a bittorrent client and it does a DNS request for every connected peer, it would be easy to generate dozens or hundreds of DNS requests.
One thing I'm wondering is why it shows a udp state to BOTH name servers. The purpose of listing two dns is just in case one fails , correct?
173.xx.xxx.xxx:10314 -> MULTIPLE:SINGLE
173.xx.xxx.xxx:10314 -> MULTIPLE:SINGLE -
The purpose of listing two dns is just in case one fails , correct?
I think I have read that a DNS client asks all the servers concurrently (presumably to get the fastest response, particularly if a server is not contactable).