Newbie Network Setup for Hotspot
Hi all,
I'm new with PfSense and i've read some howto but i didn't find what i expect to:
I'd like to add a hotspot for our visitors and i've seen that PfSense is perfect for this ;)This is our network structure, i can't/don't want to change it:
And this is the new architecture i thought about with hotspot:
What network interface should i declare on the PfSense Machine ?
from PfSense to LA: let's say
from PfSense to the AP: let's say ?
from the AP to PfSense: let's say ?what kind of cable should i use between PfSense and AP ? cross over cable i assume ?
In the webconfigurator, the LAN is used for What should i use for WAN ? ?
On the AP, should i run DHCP knowing that a DHCP is already running on firewall coyote ?Sorry for this long post. I'll be able to write a mini-howto when i'm done with this hotspot.
This is pretty much the same question/solution.,24663.msg127662.html#msg127662 -
thanx for the link.
What i can't figure out is, from the PfSense Box point of view, what should be the LAN and WAN in my case ?
If the WAN is the interface from where i get Internet, in my case, the WAN is ?
You should check the pfSense Wiki theres tons of good tutorial, FAQs and How To's.
Sounds like you'll need Use an existing wireless router with pfSense and Captive Portal
Yes, pfsense WAN would be *.99.6 and pfsense lan needs to be on a different subnet, something like