anyone can get this (phpsysinfo) working on 1.2.3-RELEASE?
i always get this error
No Hardware Monitor found!!
InitMBInfo: Unknown error: 0i tried run this command..
mbmon -A
InitMBInfo: Unknown error: 0
This program needs "setuid root"!!/usr/local/bin/mbmon -A
InitMBInfo: Unknown error: 0
This program needs "setuid root"!!whoami
ls -la /usr/local/bin/mbmon
-r-sr-xr-x 1 root wheel 42720 Jul 5 2008 /usr/local/bin/mbmon
anyone knows what im doing wrong here?
afaik mbmon will only work with old/limit hardware
A tty motherboard monitor for LM78/79, W8378x, AS99127F, VT
is there any other that can get temp?
If you are lucky, you may have a MB which directly supports temp reporting via ACPI
From the CLI, try this:
sysctl hw.acpi.thermal
If you get some data, it might be usable. Though I don't think phpsysinfo is smart enough to pull it from there.
i had phpSysInfo installed on my old and now also on my new installation but on the new one it shows me an error.File Line Command Message common_functions.php 213 /usr/local/bin/mbmon ioctl(smb0:open): No such file or directory Return value: 0
Dont really know what this should mean. The mobo is an Supermicro P4DP8-G2.
Perhaps some of you would have an idea?
That means that your new motherboard does not have a supported smbus controller (or the driver didn't load/attach), and thus does not support reporting data properly.
so its more of a warning
It isn't fatal for most statistics, but it does mean you probably won't see temperature data. So yes, mostly a warning.