Dual PPPoE from same ISP - Working in 2.0?
I got a similar setup running, although the IPs aren't sequential.ย But everything else is similar. (double PPPoE from same ISP)
There is some work going on to support Multi-Link PPPoE if your provider supports that, but otherwise I'm not so sure.
Usually if both links get the same gateway, this will not work, even on 2.0.
Usually if both links get the same gateway, this will not work, even on 2.0.
I've only one DSL provider here,and all connections have the same gateway.
Before I add another DSL contract, I want to know if there is a way to make it work with load balancing.
Is there a way to make it work with PPPoE?
The only other way i'm thinking is to put a hadrware router between one DSL link and pfsense, and make (for pfsense) a Static IP WAN, with gateway the hardware router. This setup will work?
The only other way i'm thinking is to put a hadrware router between one DSL link and pfsense, and make (for pfsense) a Static IP WAN, with gateway the hardware router. This setup will work?
That is the usual way to make it work if both links will have the same gateway, just put some other cheap NAT device between
If you specify one link as default gateway and policy route everything it shuold work as is afaik.
PPPoE is currently not working with policy-based routing and traffic shaping.
PPPoE is currently not working with policy-based routing and traffic shaping.
Why do you say that?
My OPT1 - OPT3 (which are non-default gateways) are connected to Internet PPPoE links through cheap NAT devices (which are m0n0wall virtual appliances). PBR and traffic shaping turned on. Everything worked well until I decided to remove the NAT device on OPT3 and used pfsense's PPPoE feature instead.
I can still connect the LAN to Internet as well as from Internet to the LAN via the PPPoE interface. But I can't connect to pfsense on that interface: every attempt to connect to the (public) IP address of OPT3 via SSH, HTTPS fail and every ping's responses are lost. I also tried to ping from pfsense using the diag_ping.php utility. From LAN, WAN, OPT1 and OPT2 the ping works normally. Via OPT3, ping to anywhere, except the next hop, results in 100% packet loss.
I remember PPPoE worked on all the three interfaces (although with minor problems with the IPv4 routing table) when I didn't use any PBR rule or queueing rule. That was with a snapshot a few months ago.
Same gateways on pppoe?
Same gateways on pppoe?
If you mean the Gateway structure that pfsense automatically created for every interface once it is first activated and is editable via the system_gateways.php page, yes.
When I changed OPT3 from 'static' to 'PPPoE' I re-used GW_OPT3. But the IP address was automatically changed to 'dynamic' and the monitor IP address was automatically changed to next-hop address and became non-editable in system_gateways.php.