What happened to the add/edit/remove buttons in Gateways?
I recently updated the package to fix the issue with one to one NAT and lost the ability to add/remove/edit gateways and gateway groups (for failover). Did something break or am I just having weird browser issues? I have tried both the update image and a full blown reinstall with the same results. I have attached a screenshot. Any ideas?
That is the status page.
Go to the routing page and edit at your will.
And next time please double check your winnings or i will delete the post entirely. -
And next time please double check your winnings or i will delete the post entirely.
I could have swore that the settings were in the other area… my bad. I also did alot of poking before I posted this. You can see by my stats that I don't go as far as posting questions very often.
Thanks again.