Shaper: Webinterface traffic -> default queue. Normal behavior?
I have set my default queue to be very slow, because I wanted to make sure any uncategorised traffic goes there.
I noticed that accessing the webinterface was fed into this default rule.So I created 2 floating rules.. one for inbound: quick, destination port <mywebif_port>, high priority Queue. And the same for outbound, but source port <mywebif_port>.
But pfsense keeps putting traffic from/to webinterface into the default queue..
Have I done something wrong, or is that expected behavior?
Update: This seems to work for a WAN interface, but not for LAN. Because that didn't work with either interface in the first place, I also added the high priority queue to the respective interfaces rules for the webinterface. I don't know it it works because of that for WAN now, or if I didn't have to add that queue to the interface rules. However it's working for WAN and not LAN now.. KLan still gets into the default queue..
Probably the antilockout rule.
Ahh thank you!
I'll check that!
This was it!
Thanks again!