PPPoE not working on Wan
I use Pfsense 1.2.3 in my department for firewalling. Wan interface works in PPPoE and it always worked flawlessly.
I decided to try out the new Pfsense 2.0 beta 3 snapshot but i can't get working the PPPoE connection, with the same configurations.In the "interfaces" section, when i push the "connect" button, it seems that Pfsense estabilishes the connection, because it says that the connection is up, but there's no MAC address and no packets in transit.
Is it a bug?
works for me from a very long time now
I'm not sure if you have to go to /interfaces_ppps.php to set up pppoe on the WAN with later snapshots (I have to because it's a multilink connection). You could try that.
Don't use the Wizard to set up PPPoE in current snapshots.
I used the wizard with "2.0-BETA3 built on Sat Jun 19 00:51:27 EDT 2010" and everything works fine. Was probably just luck :)
-My test machine (my other machines "1.2.3Release" I am very satisfied) "PfSense 2" with the Beta 1 build the image of the wan out of the first version of my "PPPoE" mode worked healthy. Set wan bridge mode modem took out my real IP. I came to this level so that the beta3. I wondered one day I wanted to re-install version Beta3 cd reputation. Make sure you follow the installation steps completely before making the settings, but somehow I did not wan take out the real ip .. I went two days in total, two or three previous beta was not tried it with CDs. A kind of fame has changed since the beginning of beta3 wan out what I could not get the real ip. 2. At the end of the day finally came to my mind have cd in beta1. I installed it I used the same steps wan port finally took out the real ip.
-Rate beta3 the "PPPoE" my fault?
-Beta1 or as easy, right?
-More steps needed?
-eg from Beta3 to "assign interfaces in" how PPPs should be set?
-I was very involved with PPPs, but it was not set.