Cant Access WebGui
Its My First Time to Set-up
PFSense Temp. Server PC
Cel D
Foxconn P4M890
1 Build-in Lan
2 NICProblem:
1. Always No Uplink on WAN in Setting Interpace so I set it to "Rl1" Lan Card..
2. I cant enter the PFsense Gui "" on my other PC browser…My Wiring Setup:
-My Lan Interface is connected to PFsense PC NIC "Rl0" to my Net Switch
-My Wan Interface is connected to Modem to PCsense PC NIC "Rl1"
-My "xl0" NIC is Vacant…My ISP Connect using PPoE "username/Password Needed"
Have you assigned the IP to the LAN (rl0) interface?
Do you have any other device using
My Old Router is using ( but I disconnect it in the net system
I also connect the lan cable directly to the 2 PC to try, but no success…-Is there a color code standard in utp cable on PFsense...
PFsense Guide on PPoE Type Wan... I always get no link-up on WAN interpace..