Apinger process has CPU pinned
built on Wed Jun 23 22:36:30 EDT 2010
nanobsd (2g)
net5501-80I was surprised just now to see my CPU usage sitting at 100%. My connection is 10/1.4 mbps, so I'm used to seeing no more than about 15% under normal circumstances. Here's what top looks like at the moment and I'm not sure what to make of it.
last pid: 42883; load averages: 1.73, 1.52, 1.38 up 3+01:40:42 03:43:57 46 process 19332 running, 44 slee 2.18, 1.67, 1.45 up 3+01:42:19 03:45:34 46U: % 23103 % nice3 2.17, 1.68, 1.45err up 3+01:42:21e 03:45:36 47m: 71.4Active4 0.0Inact, 4 6.2 2.17, 1.68, 1.45M B up 3+01:42:23 03:45:38 Swap:74.5 19521 5.8 5.4 2.40, 1.76, 1.48 up 3+01:42:43 03:45:58 47 80.5 601924 0.4 3 4.7 2.74, 1.95, 1.57 up 3+01:43:33 03:46:48 47PID84.1R 90464T 3.1RI NIC3 2.7 2.53, 1.96, 1.58TIM up 3+01:43:54ND03:47:09 5056969.0t205063 5.014 7 17.1 1.92, 1.90, 1.597:3 up 3+01:45:19er03:48:34 4610679.0t 3 0.412 43 7.00K 13520K 13.6pt 8:42 71.99% php 5510673.4t 0.076 0 4.30K 13692K 22.3pt 0:43 71400% php 2801128oot 1 44 0 7580K 5720K kqread 6:35 73400% lighttpd 58210 root 12 112 20 6556K 2792K RUN 0:59 75.00% pfctl 28011 root 1 72 0 7580K 5720K accept 9:35 71.97% lighttpd 55106 root 1 73 0 82320K 13692K piperd 0:50 81.98% pfctl 28011 root 12 43 0 7580K 5720K kqread 10:54 83.98% lighttpd 28011 nobody 1 44 0 7580K 5720K kqread 6:36 0.00% lighttpd
Ok, so now apinger's not even on the list, but it was at the top when I started typing this. Any ideas?
There are some issues with apinger right now, so that isn't surprising. Last I heard it was going to be rewritten, but the guy rewriting it is off for a few days.
I'll just reboot for now then. What about some processes showing CPU usage of 73400% in top? I've never seen such a thing.
That's a bit odd, and usually only happens if there is a world/kernel mismatch. Is that still on the image from the 23rd?
yes. I just rebooted it but I'm in no hurry to update it unless this starts happening a lot.
Built On: Fri Jun 25 15:37:39 EDT 2010
LiveCD/Installer ISOssame problem here. I just rebooted this morning because the network was slow like hell.
I saw the same thing : apinger using more than 95% CPU !!!is there any news about apinger for the issue ?
There have been quite a few updates since then on the builder systems. Update to today's snapshot and try again.