Keep loosing WAN IP Address - dhclient does not seem to do update
Unfortunately we are using the same dhclient that we used prior to 1.0. So nothing has changed in this regard.
But I do have an idea. Give me some moments, I would like to test ISC-DHCLIENT again and see how much work it's going to be to dump the OpenBSD dhclient that FreeBSD imported.
Thx alot. Due to the workaround I've got plenty of time now. Please let me know when there's something I can contribute / test in order to help.
I'll watch this thread anyway.Cheers
From a shell, issue this command (full installations only!):
fetch -q -o - | sh
Sit back and let it do it's thing.
After it is done, issue shutdown -r now or reboot from the webConfigurator or option #5.
Hi sullrich
I've just issued:
fetch -q -o - | shand got:
Setting CVS_IP to
Cannot find cvsup, pkg_add in progress
Cannot find cvs, fetching static cvs…
/usr/bin/cvs 100% of 1528 kB 187 kBps
Syncing with
Checking out RELENG_1
Connected to
Updating collection pfSenseHEAD/cvs
Create CVSROOT/.#activitymail
Create CVSROOT/.#avail
Create CVSROOT/.#checkoutlist
Create CVSROOT/.#commitinfo
Create CVSROOT/.#config
Create CVSROOT/.#cvswrappers
Create CVSROOT/.#editinfo
Create CVSROOT/.#loginfo
Create CVSROOT/.#modules
Create CVSROOT/.#notify
Create CVSROOT/.#rcsinfo
Create CVSROOT/.#rel_check.php
Create CVSROOT/.#taginfo
Create CVSROOT/.#test_commit.php
Create CVSROOT/.#verifymsg
Mkdir CVSROOT/Emptydir
SetAttrs CVSROOT/Emptydir
Create CVSROOT/activitymail
Create CVSROOT/activitymail,v
Create CVSROOT/avail
Create CVSROOT/avail,v
Create CVSROOT/checkoutlist
Create CVSROOT/checkoutlist,v
Create CVSROOT/,v
Create CVSROOT/commitinfo
Create CVSROOT/commitinfo,v
Mkdir CVSROOT/commitlogs
Create CVSROOT/commitlogs/misc
SetAttrs CVSROOT/commitlogs
Create CVSROOT/config
Create CVSROOT/config,v
Create CVSROOT/,v
Create CVSROOT/cvswrappers
Create CVSROOT/cvswrappers,v
Create CVSROOT/editinfo
Create CVSROOT/editinfo,v
Create CVSROOT/history
Detailer failed: Network write failure: Invalid argument
Will retry at 13:23:48Somethings wrong?
You can cancel your upgrade for now. We found some remaining issues with the new dhclient (some things still have to be changed due to different syntax). It's working on reboot though. We'll test some more things later and post when we have a new version to try.
okey. Just rebooted. Everything works as before…
Everything should be working. We really need ppl to test Optional WAN + DHCP more than anything at this point. We are using the same code for dhclient as m0n0 1.3b1 now so I think it is correct.
Have you made an update to the cvs?
Yes, rerun the command I mentioned prior.
the new dhclient is working great !
but i have found small bug, under Interfaces my wan says DHCP : down
like this:
WAN interface (rl0)
Status up
DHCP down
MAC address 00:0a:cd:11:ef:fa
Media 100baseTX <full-duplex>
In/out packets 88231/110810 (21.17 MB/32.31 MB)
In/out errors 0/0
Collisions 0keep up the good work !</full-duplex>
i just noticed a very good thing, it looks like with the new dhclient, the OpenVPN problem with "address in use" issue is fixed ! at least on my pfsense !
the new dhclient is working great !
but i have found small bug, under Interfaces my wan says DHCP : down
like this:
WAN interface (rl0)
Status up
DHCP down
MAC address 00:0a:cd:11:ef:fa
Media 100baseTX <full-duplex>In/out packets 88231/110810 (21.17 MB/32.31 MB)
In/out errors 0/0
Collisions 0keep up the good work !</full-duplex>
Yeah, we are aware of this issue. Should be fixed rather soon. Just keep running that command every 12 hours or so and you will have the latest code. But don't run the command unattended (from cron).
Just tried to fetch the newest cvs several times but always got stuck with:
fetch -q -o - | sh
Setting CVS_IP to
Syncing with
Checking out RELENG_1
Connected to
Updating collection pfSenseHEAD/cvs
Rsync CVSROOT/history
Edit pfSense/etc/inc/,v
Create pfSense/usr/local/bin/php,vAny advice?
Your being impatient. Let it go… It is still processing php which is every php change ever and is quite large.
Ups, sorry bout that. I watched it for about 10 mins ;) Just starting up again.
Thanks alot.
Please run the command again. All known issues hopefully are solved.
NOTE: you WILL need to reboot afterwards.
Please run again, I just fixed a few more bugs.
Yea… my sense box seems pretty happy again.. thank you sir...
Good. Others please test. A new snapshot will be uploaded in a couple hours.
running great now for around 1 day!
Thanks a lot for the great work!