Request: ipv6
Ok, I know cmb has stated that ipv6 is not a priority for 2.0, and I respect that (how can we not respect Scott and Chris with all they've done?!!!).
For the record, they also stated that mlppp was not a priority, but gnhb stepped up and look where we are now! w00t! This is the beauty of open collaboration.
So I'm raising the topic of ipv6 again in hope that some enterprising individual with some coding skills (i.e., not me) might have some desire to integrate ipv6 into the 2.0 UI.
Here are some points to help you get started.
This link shows you exactly how to make native ipv6 work in pfsense 1.2.3 via CLI. So you see, the functionality is there, it's just not in the web UI.2. I'm happy to test. My ISP has been testing ipv6 for a year or so. I've been following their forum on and the feedback appears to be all positive. It would be great to add pfsense to their list of routers known working on ipv6. I tested the initial mlppp builds and I think it's fair to say I have decent troubleshooting skills and provide useful feedback.
So that's my pitch. Unfortunately my php skills are nil, so I can't do this myself, but I'll certainly back the individual(s) intrepid enough to take it on.
It won't happen for 2.0. It's far too large a task. The only reason that MLPPP happened is because someone handed us the code and is actively working on it.
If someone wants to step up and produce the code, I'm sure it will be taken, but it's too large of a change (it would have to touch nearly every part of the system) to make it into 2.0 at this stage. -
MLPPP is vastly, vastly different than IPv6. Absolutely no way IPv6 going into 2.0. If someone provided a patch today that fully implemented it, it would be held in a git branch until 2.0 is released. That touches every single portion of the entire system and would delay the release considerably, which we're not doing. Adding MLPPP affected nothing other than PPP, and nothing with PPP aside from MLPPP configurations. That was a hundred lines of code across two files - IPv6 would be thousands of lines across hundreds of files. We already added way too much to 2.0, nothing major is going to be added until post-release.
If someone wants to start a clone in git and start working on it, more power to you! By all means, please have at. People can run from that clone if they want. It's not getting merged til post-2.0 though. You have to draw the line on releases somewhere or they'll never get released. The line on 2.0 is drawn.