FreeSwitch Assistance on PFS 1.2.3Release, Post-Install
Having a bit of trouble setting up my SOHO office with 4 Aastra phones, 1-6751i and 3-9133i's. All phones are set to use the 1001-1005 extensions and show to be registered correctly on both the phone side and from the PfSense FreeSwitch GUI side. The problem lies in that when I use any of the 4 phones and dial another internal extension of any of the system numbers such as the *9999 to test MOH, the phones continue to produce dial tone throughout the dialing process and the call does not go through to any of the three other internal numbers. I do not have a SIP gateway provider setup at this point. I've had the same odd dial tone behavior with the default settings and the only extent of configuration beyond the default Freeswitch configuration was to set the internal.xml to use the LAN side IP ( as per the multi-honed tutorial…this was also after trying the DynamicDNS method which I would prefer to use in the long term but am trying to rig a simple system before introducing more variables. All of the phones are less than six months old. I took then over to a test lab, wiped their config and tested the phones against a TrixboxCE vmguest where they performed flawlessly. Any idea's? This sounds so simple it's maddening. I've reinstalled PFSense 1.2.3Release on different hardware with the same exact results. I even tried the 2.0 beta 3 but ended up with installation errors that crashed the web gui when I inadvertently selected the freeswitch beta package and the installer complained about a variable on line 179 missing. At the moment, I am on a fresh install and the only other package installed on this system is the TFTP daemon/service. The system has two ethernet interfaces and is currently acting as a firewall with the WAN port and LAN ports setup per the wizard with no additional modifications to firewall rules, a very generic system.