DLINK DFE 580TX speed problems
Hi all….
I have (another) problem with some hardware. I bought a Dlink DFE 580TX wich is a quad ethernet ports NIC running at 100Mbits/s (PCI32). I use it into an HP proliant DL320g4p under pfSense 1.0.1 (fresh install), it uses STE driver. My problem is that I can't go faster than 120kb/s between interfaces. I have checked cables and switches, even with cross cable between two laptops (one in LAN the other in DMZ both connected to pfSense with the cross cables) nothing happens. I have tested during 6hours today and I really don't know why the speed is reduced.....headhake has come.
In the interface section I can see that everything is negociated at 100mb/full duplex. Doing a top during a transfert shows up a CPU usage less than 1% for system and user and between 0% and 3% for IRQs. nothing appears in the logs.Thk for any clue or advice.
Try checking System -> Advanced -> Bypass firewall rules for traffic on the same interface
already done :-d snif
Do you think it may be a driver issue?
Maybe some kind of bios setting or system preinstallation cd mismatch? Trendchiller had some issues with a hp server too (not detecting dual cpus correctly and some slowness on boot). I think running the system manager cd and setting os to linux fixed it for him.
I will try that Hoba.
What I did to BIOS is disabling integrated NIC0 (broadcom BCM5714) wich caused pfsense to hang. I also disabled iLO.
Monday morning I will try to use the HP smartstart CDROM, I really hope it will do some magic stuff to this server!!!!!
I will try that Hoba.
What I did to BIOS is disabling integrated NIC0 (broadcom BCM5714) wich caused pfsense to hang. I also disabled iLO.
Monday morning I will try to use the HP smartstart CDROM, I really hope it will do some magic stuff to this server!!!!!
Yeah, it does perform some magic. I was having serious issues with FreeBSD running on a couple compaq servers until I broke out a smart start cd and changed the system type to COUGH COUGH Linux.
As I said in the other post about BGE driver I have been able to access the server room because of a power fail.
So I did some testing and I booted up with the smartstart CD….and unfortunately it does not offer the ability to configure the system for linux (Windows only :-| ).It appears that the problem do not come from the Dlink card. As I have been able to use onboard cards (see post about bge driver) and it did not change anything...
Two points have to be solved before going further:
-I isolated that the windows drivers installed on the DL360 server I was doing transfers with seem to be buggy and a recent patch released end of september isn't yet applied....
-One of the laptop used for the tests seems to have problems with negociation of the transmision rate and mode. I will use another one.:'(
Solved! I took another laptop with a NIC built with someting else than chocolate and I have updated the driver for the broadcom card on the server!!! For those who have an HP DL360 under Windows 2K3 with catalyst switch you need to update with the patch dated on September 25th.