Per User Bandwidth in Captive Portal
I just installed pfSense 2.0 Beta into a virtual box machine.
From what i searched theres no option to use local user database and have per user bandwidth.
While i prefer to use an external RADIUS server i think that some users will prefer a local user bandwidth control…
Do you plan to add Bandwidth attributes to local user manager ?
Or, did i miss something ?
Not in 2.0, maybe in the future. You'll have to use RADIUS.
Its there any plan to use PAM or a more flexible user manager ?
What about calling an external program that is user selectable and has standard input/output parameters ?
This way we can have plugable modules for user authentication.
At System -> User manager -> Settings Tab
Authentication Server :
Besides Local Database add External Program Or Script
This makes a new option field appear
"Program Path"
Where you type
And the program is called for each user authentication
With the format (< means standard in and > means standard out ) :
/bin/something (No parameters due to security risk)
< Login= <login>< Password= <password>< IP= <ip>< MAC= <mac>> Authentication={ ok | reject }BandwidthUp= <bandup>> BandwidthDown= <banddown>Program finishes
etc…</banddown></bandup></mac></ip></password></login> -
Its there any plan to use PAM or a more flexible user manager ?
What about calling an external program that is user selectable and has standard input/output parameters ?
This way we can have plugable modules for user authentication.
At System -> User manager -> Settings Tab
Authentication Server :
Besides Local Database add External Program Or Script
This makes a new option field appear
"Program Path"
Where you type
And the program is called for each user authentication
With the format (< means standard in and > means standard out ) :
/bin/something (No parameters due to security risk)
< Login= <login>< Password= <password>< IP= <ip>< MAC= <mac>> Authentication={ ok | reject }BandwidthUp= <bandup>> BandwidthDown= <banddown>Program finishes
etc…</banddown></bandup></mac></ip></password></login>I've never tried setting the bandwidth per username on pfsense 1.2.3,
while for pfsense second, more difficult.,26274.0.html -
Its there any plan to use PAM or a more flexible user manager ?
We have RADIUS, LDAP, and local users. 2.0 won't have anything further than that. May change in the future.