Adding custom options to dhcpd. (not available in GUI)
Hello all
how can i add custom options to the dhcpd.conf ?
I found the following thread (with a similar question) by searching/reading the forums:,12605.msg68224.html#msg68224 - unfortunately it has no answers.
My problem is similar, because I need the following:-
add option to dhcpd.conf: deny known clients
(yes, known clients, not UNknown, this I can find in the webgui) -
and include a file with known hosts (generated by scripts on other machines and then distributed):
include /path/to/my/list/of/known-hosts
host machine01 { hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55 option host-name machine01 } host machine02 { hardware ethernet AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF option host-name machine02 } etc
with this setup I want dhcpd to only serve IPs to guest machines that are not registered yet in my infrastructure.
any hint is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
no offense, but that is kinda weird. what problem are you trying to solve here?
So… when I didn't find anywhere in the webgui to put dhcp options (option x "y";) I took some time and added it to my 1.2.3-RELEASE. I needed "root-path". Well I completed it, and I'm happy with the outcome, but I wish I had searched this forums some more,
since this is apparently already in 2.0. doh
Anyway, if anyone would like the /usr/local/www/services_dhcp.php & /etc/inc/ files I will post them.
(only minor changes to -file, line 284-288)
if (isset($dhcpifconf['dhcp-option'])) {
foreach($dhcpifconf['dhcp-option'] as $key => $dhcpoption) {
if ($dhcpoption != "") $dhcpdconf .= " option $key "$dhcpoption";\n";
removededit: fixed links
edit2: removed links, found some bugs in the code i made. go get pfS 2.0