How can i assign Multiple WAN IP
I hope I am posting in an appropriate place for my question. Basically in a nut shell, we have a client who owns a Bussiness centre. And they have different Offices are allocated in that buildings.
Now the whole client in the bussiness centre connected to internet with one WAN IP. 87...113
(BUt we have aorund 30 IP is available in to our account but nothign is allocated)Now the management of business centre want to assign Different WAN IP for each clients.
i am giving you the exact details of existing network
1. ADSL router ip .87...113 (IP Range 87...113 – 87...143)
2. Router Connected to Watch guard Firewall (Firewall Wan IP: 87...114)(LAN IP 192.168.20.* dhcp enabled)
3. Firewall connected with 4 wireless access point for each floor4. Clients are connected with their (floor) access point using with bridges and router
How can i assign Different WAN IP for each offices ( We are ready to buy devices (Firwall/Router ) if it realy helps)
If anyone has the time and can help me out I would be greatly appreciated.
If I understand you correctly. You want to segment each network with thier own ip address range? If that is the case then all you need to do is by a router and assign each segment with thier own ip address range.
For example:
Area 1 would be
Area 2 would be 192.168.20/0/24
etc.Each segment would they tie into the router and then the firewall. Just need to NAT the outgoing on the router.
If I understand you right, you want to route traffic form one area through one external IP.
Area 1 would be routed through 87...113
Area 2 would be routed through 87...114
etc.I'm not sure how to do this.. except for setting up a router per area.
Just add them as Virtual IPs and configure outbound NAT as desired.