Squid and LDAP on 2.0
When upgrade to BETA4, I can't get Squid LDAP authentication working (Transparent and Local Database Authentication worked).
Does someone have similar issue with Squid LDAP Authentication
Found a temporary solution for authenticate LDAP - AD:
Modify /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc
Around line 1021:
$conf .= "auth_param basic program /usr/local/libexec/squid/squid_ldap_auth -v {$settings['ldap_version']} -R -b
{$settings['ldap_basedomain']} -D {$settings['ldap_user']} $password -f "{$settings['ldap_filter']}" -P {$settings['auth_server']}$port\n";Difference: Remove -u uid parameter and add -R to work. Hope this help others and tks for great firewall.