Adding vlan to physical interface downs connection on other physical interface
built on Sat Aug 7 15:30:29 UTC 2010
AMD64To recreate:
1. Create mlppp bundle from vlans on em0 and connect
2. Create interfaces with static IPs on vlans on em1 and enable dhcp servers
3. Connect hosts to subnets on em1 vlans
4. Create a new vlan on em1
5. Create and enable interface with static IP on new vlanAt this point the LAN interfaces will become unresponsive for 30-60 seconds. When the pfsense web UI becomes responsive the WAN PPPoE interface will have a new IP address.
I don't know if this is known behaviour, but I consider it undesirable, as I don't want to disrupt everybody's service to create an interface. Obviously all states involving the WAN (at least) will be broken by this, gravely affecting voip, gaming, video streaming, etc.
Is this something that can or will be improved?
Interfaces will drop when you add one at interfaces>assign, though I'm seeing 6-8 seconds or so. The longer delay, and what seems like a delay in a different area, is likely MLPPP related. Doubt if that will change for 2.0 release, though that depends on gnhb likely, he may know how to fix it.