Strange reversion to Sunday
I updated this morning and noted after reboot, it said 'Mon 16th'.
I just went back to the Dashboard, and it said there was another update. I didn't check, I just updated.
When it rebooted and I went back to the Dashboard, it said Sun 15th was installed and offered another update.
So I have now upgraded to Mon 16th again.
2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Mon Aug 16 04:47:11 EDT 2010 FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE
Just thought you should know. Something quirky going on.
That's a little odd. I haven't seen that myself, and I've been upgrading my VMs with auto a lot yesterday and today.
You might have pulled down an 'update' while it was in the middle of being uploaded, perhaps.
If it happens again, update the thread, but it was probably a fluke.