No Save button on assigment page
Just updated to pfSense-Full-Update-2.0-BETA4-20100816-1430.tgz and the save button on the interface assigment page is missing.
tried in chrome, ie8 & firefox. (strangely it does exists in the html source) -
Can confirm, though I'm on Aug 14 19:23:27 EDT 2010
Don't you have to make a change before the button displays?
I did some, that's why I noticed it the first way :D
I don't know about the original poster, but the changes I made were changing an already existent interface's assignment (didn't try to add a new one or remove).
Anyways, sorry for hijacking the thread, I'm 3 snapshots behind.. so maybe I should shut my mouth -
I noticed it after reassigning the interfaces, did the changes and couldn't find how to save it.
Deleting works.
(but i think i was updating from 14 to 16 and it worked before the update) -
It should be back again now, there was an issue with the javascript to make the button appear.
The button works on 17'th snapshot.