Thight VNC
Can Help Me setting thight vnc in pfsense ?
My setting now….but cannot remote ....
NAT setting
wan-interface add-tcp-from VNC-10.x.x.x-vnc-saveRULES setting
wan-tcp-any-single host add 10.x.x.x-VNC-save -
Have you forwarded port 5900/TCP from the WAN interface on the pfSense host to the PC? If your pfSense host does not have the real WAN IP address, have you forwarded 5900/TCP from the WAN connected device to the WAN interface on the pfSense host?
On the rules (nat and firewall) the source port should be "any" and not "vnc" - only specify destinations.
My setting but still cannot remote
![rules setting edit.jpg_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/rules setting edit.jpg_thumb)
![rules setting edit.jpg](/public/imported_attachments/1/rules setting edit.jpg)
![nat setting edit.jpg_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/nat setting edit.jpg_thumb)
![nat setting edit.jpg](/public/imported_attachments/1/nat setting edit.jpg) -
Can you VNC on to the host from the local network?
Is your pfSense host the system that's connected directly to the Internet, with the real WAN IP?
i can vnc in my LAN, i can remote my pc at home but cannot remote from home to ofice. my modem belkin i disable NAT and Firewall becuase that….help mee...
Can you elaborate the "my modem belkin i disable NAT and Firewall becuase that"?
Is the modem in bridge mode? Do you have a public IP on the pfSense directly?