Gateway status issue latest snapshots i386
sorry it might very well be that someone else already reported this and/or it might be related to the load balancer not working problem, but didn't want to hijack the other thread.
After an upgrade from 7th sept to the latest (built on Sat Sep 11 15:41:29 EDT 2010). I get very strange RTT values.
The value for the default gateway continues to count upwards (changed monitoring ip to its isp gateway just in case), at the moment it's 3024.769ms and increasing, for 2 others it's negative like -1732.703ms. All static lines.Is this problem related to the other one?
Thank you!
yeah and the packages not can install whats wrong
The gateway status widget also wraps oddly when a line has latency. I'll need to replicate/fix that once load balancing works again on dynamic gateways (hopefully today)
max_ens - Packages have nothing to do with this thread, if you have an issue, start a new thread with more detail. (Thought they work fine for me)
Thank you Jimp!