Port forwarding problem
Howdy, I'm still kinda new to this but I believe you need to change your source ports to any, your destination address to your wan and your destination ports to 10022.
This will change your rule to say any traffic regardless of source coming at your wan from 10022 should be forwarded internally to your system at on port 22.
If that doesn't help hold out for someone with more experience but like I said I believe that should address your problem.
Best of luck. =)
Thanks for your help!
What do i have to set under:
- protocol TCP (i guess…SSH is tcp)
- src ports ???
- Dest address :
- Dest port : 22 (SSH)
- NAT IP :
- NAT ports : 22 (SSH)
or...what do i have to change?
Change the source port(s) to any, in 99.99% of TCP connections the source port is a random port in 1024-65536 range. Also change destination address to WAN address because that's the address the IP packets will be arriving at before address translation.
So it have to be like this?
What do your firewall rules on WAN look like?
If your WAN resides on a private numbered network like 10.x, make sure you have disabled the feature to block inbound traffic from private networks under Interfaces > WAN.
What do your firewall rules on WAN look like?
If your WAN resides on a private numbered network like 10.x, make sure you have disabled the feature to block inbound traffic from private networks under Interfaces > WAN.
The screenshot above is my WAN connection (Scarletfix and Dommelfix are my 2 ISP's).
SMS gateway <–-----> pfsense <------->
The screenshot gives your port forward entry, not the WAN firewall rules.
I see, sorry
Here is the screenshot
http://krisken.dommel.be/pfsense/rulessh.jpg -
That looks good too. If you go to Diagnostics > States and filter on the IP trying to ssh while you do it, what shows up?
That looks good too. If you go to Diagnostics > States and filter on the IP trying to ssh while you do it, what shows up?
When i try to connect to the server (noc.it2go.eu port 10022), i get an error "can't connect etc" in putty.
But when i connect to port 22, everything goes wellProblem doesn't seem to be pfsense…