Moving to VMWare
I have a working pfSense 2.0 setup running on a server. Now I want to change server and on the new server I will run ESXi so I need to convert my running config to a vmware image. But everything I have tried has failed.
Tried to use the VMWare standalone converter. Failed because pfSense/FreeBSD can't run linux binaries. Next thought was to take a image dump of the drive with dump. This fails because mksync_ffs isn't installed.
Some one has another thought?
Fresh install on the ESXi with the interfaces setup correctly. Then you just import the config from your running server….:)
Bingo. Exactly what I did :)
Notice that your NIC names can be other than what you are using now.
Thanks, worked like a charm. Put then i moved the mail server from the dmz-server vmware converter failed… But thats another story.