Samba or similar
Hi guys
I have installed pfsense 2.0 on a m-itx platform (intel d510). it was a computer with a harddrive (500gb) that i would like to share with local users (as a buckup directory or whatever). i haven't found samba among suggested packages. does it have some reason that the developers didn't include it into the list (security) or I have just to instal it by myself?Once more the question - how to get the access to harddrive of pfsense from the lan-computers? are there special packages for this purpose?
Thanx in advance!
Pfsense is a Firewall product. JIMP was discussioning using PFsense as a print server. It is not recommeded.
PfSense is a Firewall but still pfsense is a freebsd so we can customize for our needs.
If you don't care about security issues then its your this at console or command gui
fetch && chmod a+x && ./
though some hardware routers has print server/file server I still choose pfsense.
Thanx a lot!!