PFsense V2.0 Release Date?
I was wondering when PFsense v2.0 was going to release? I know a lot has gone into this version and was wondering if it will be reaching an RC or stable version anytime soon. I know it was in alpha for a while before it went into beta. I believe I heard something about a release in October this year? I was just curious because it has been in beta for almost a year now.
Please, search the forum and read the forum for 2.0. Your question has been asked, and answered, many times already.
Sorry if my question annoyed you, but for something that has been asked and answered many many times does not seem to appear in the search??? If this is a question that gets asked all the time that needs to be answered all the time, maybe it would be a good idea to post something on the main webpage instead of answering people like they are idiots!!!
Oh one other thing. This posted has been viewed numerous times since my original posting, seems to me people really want to know and might not be able to find an answered question many many times.
Summary - when it's ready.
The only thing I have been able to find after doing a lot of searching was a couple of other post that were answer the sameway as my post was :-. I was able to come accross a roadmap. The roadmap does not provide any information on exspected release date, just bug tracking and resolved issues. I noticed it was around 80% complete if I am making correct sense out of it. I am not really sure I understand the 2.1 and future thing listed below.
There is no date. It will be ready when it is ready. That's always been the answer. The roadmap doesn't have a date because there isn't a date.
That said, we are hoping to have it ready by the end of the year, but no promises It's already late October and we aren't quite to RC stage (but close) so two months in RC might be cutting it close, depending on what is found in testing by users once it passes that milestone.
thanks, that is all I was looking for, a simple estimate or basic idea other than when its ready. I must say, this must be a big deal. I don't ever remember at anytime pfsense has not had at least some sort of new beta or RC every other month, so pushing into over a year must mean this new version is going to be somewhat different. I personally have not looked at the 2.0 betas or anything, but if we see an RC by the end of the year that would be awsome. Maybe the RC can be the 2010 Christmas present such as 2.0 going into beta in 2009 ;)
Thanks again for your reply.