Small issues with S2S pfsense <-> Barracuda
yesterday I´ve established a S2S via IPSec to a Barracuda box. After some tries it worked like a charme, except this:
When running "ping -t" on my windows-box (the ip is one in the remote network) everything works fine. I´ve rebootet my pfsense box to check
if the tunnel connection is re-established automatically after rebooting. the problem is, that the tunnel is working fine, but the ping is not working. cancelling
the ping and reissuing the command makes ping to work. it is not really an issue, but according to barracuda this could happen if there´s a mismatch between
active/passive between the two, my question now is:
how can i determine if I´m active or passive?
is this a known behaviour?thanks in advance
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