Hello all! I am currently have issues with the IMSpector. I installed the package. I went to Services–> IMSpector and hit Enable without changing anything. It took me right to the screen for IMSpector Log Viewer however nothing is there. I did a reboot of pfsense and still nothing. I have looked and there is very little on IMSpector. I would like to just view the daily activity in a log for AIM.
Currently I am running 0.8-9 IMSpector... and pfSense 1.2.3-RELEASE built on Sun Dec 6
Any idea's on where to start? I do not have it logging to an mysql server....
What you did should suffice, however I have noticed that imspector only works when it wants… any chance to fix this by the package creator?
My install only captures one out of every many IM conversations via MSN...