Is it possible to install squid and squidguard in 2.0
I test actually the 2.0B but the install of squid and squidgard fails. Is it normal? Is it possible to install manually these packages?
Thank you by advance for yours anskwers.
GillesPS: and sorry for my poor english… :-[
I had squid installed, but had problem logging into some sites. So thought that might be the problem. So I uninstalled squid, (problem was with firefox), but now can not reinstall.
Originaly did have problem with squid running, complained directories were not created so did a squid -z.
Currently my system shows squid installed under packages, but no menu items etc. If I try reinstall sits at "Loading package instructions… Deinstall commands... " for ever.
They both worked fine last time I tried them, you need to provide a lot more detail than "fails".
Especially more detail about which 2.0 snapshot you are running, and whether it is amd64 or i386.
I updated with the last snapshot (20th october) i386, I cannot give you the exact error because I reinstalled with 1.3.2, but if I remember when I tried to install the packages somme errors appears that "cannot extract /tmp/squid.2.7.9.tbz content" or some think like that. The same error apprears with squidguard.
I tri today reintall the 2.0 to give you more details.
Thanks -
Just to let you know:
2.0-BETA4 (i386)
built on Tue Oct 19 20:04:27 EDT 2010
FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p1Squid 2.7.9_4
squid guard 1.4-2No problems.