Best snapshot to use for multi WAN?
I am looking at testing PFSense v2 on my system at home where i need to setup multi WAN. In my setup the source IP and destination port would decide which WAN connection is used for connecting to the internet. Also if WAN 1 goes down then the traffic should NOT got out WAN 2 but if WAN 2 goes down the traffic can got out WAN 1. This is very important in my setup as WAN 2 is high cost counted bandwidth connection and WAN 1 is an unlimited connection.Does PFSense V2 support this and if so which is the safest snapshot to use. I see there is a post or 2 about the current snapshots having issues with the second WAN connection so i am not sure which snapshot to try.
Before moving to the latest round of snapshots, I was running multiple dual-WAN boxes on Sep.28th. It seemed to work well.
thanks i will give it a go
I am using 12th oct snapshot,works well. There was a lot of work done in the beginning of this month and the loadbalancing was broken for some time mut afaik its working fine in the newest snapshots too (not including the newest,29394.0.html )
im using Oct 12 it Load Balances fine.
Aug27 also works ok. I'd stay away from September.
ok thanks guys i will give the 12th oct a go