Captive portal on bridged interfaces.
I installed the latest 2g snapshot from 10/29 on an alix board. I have the lan and wifi card on a bridge. It is working fine. when I try to setup captive portal on eather lan interface or wireless interface it wont let me do it since they are bridged. Is there any work around?? Thanks
Perhaps if you assign the bridge interface (likely bridge0) and run captive portal on that, it might work? (Not sure, haven't tried it, but it's worth a shot)
Yes, that does work; I've been using that configuration here - one of the reasons I've been using 2.0. The instructions in the stickied topic should help.
The bridge is working OK. IE I can access the internet from both. But when I go to set up the captive portal I only have the option of lan or wireless. when i pick ether one it says I cant do that because the interface is bridged. There is not an option to run captive portal on (bridge0) as of snapshot from 11-1 early am.
The stickied topic I was referring to:,20917.0.html
OK I just reread the whole topic and didn't see anything referring to captive portal. Did I miss something?
By assigning the bridge to one of the interface selections (lan, opt1, etc.) and configuring the applicable system options, you can use the bridge instead of the bridge members for the IP address, DHCP server, firewall rules, captive portal, etc.
Ok I looked at the setup again. Here is a screen shot of my interface config. When I go to captive portal and try and activate it on lan I get the following error.
The following input errors were detected:* The captive portal cannot be used on interface lan since it is part of a bridge.
What am I doing wrong.
PS This is on the snapshot Tue Nov 2 02:02:34 EDT 2010
![Picture 1.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Picture 1.png)
![Picture 1.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Picture 1.png_thumb) -
Did you make sure that you don't still have LAN as part of the bridge?