[Solved] cannot redeclare php_sync_package
Snapshot amd64 from 28 october (I encounter lot of problems with following snapshots)
Packages installed : Cron, Backup, File manager, Snort, Squid, SquidGuarg.
System is unusable (impossible to connect to WebGui or ssh)
At bootup :
Configuring firewall... Fatal error: Cannot redeclare php_sync_package() (previously declared in /usr/local/pkg/backup.inc:70) in /usr/local/pkg/cron.inc on line 62 Starting CRON... done. Syncing packages: Backup Backup Settings Cron Fatal error: Cannot redeclare php_sync_package() (previously declared in /usr/local/pkg/backup.inc:70) in /usr/local/pkg/cron.inc on line 62 Executing rc.d items... Etc. Bootup complete
How can I proceed to be abble to use my pfsense ?
Thanks. -
You could go to a shell prompt and rm /usr/local/pkg/cron*
There are still issues with amd64 snapshots, so it isn't safe to do a binary upgrade. A gitsync would upgrade just the PHP code and non-binary files.
Hi Jimp,
@jimp:You could go to a shell prompt and rm /usr/local/pkg/cron*
There are still issues with amd64 snapshots, so it isn't safe to do a binary upgrade. A gitsync would upgrade just the PHP code and non-binary files.
Thanks for your answer.
I solved my problem. I removed "backup" (not only files in /usr/local/pkg, but all the package) not "cron"ā¦Do you think I can keep "Backup" and "Cron" working together (If I " rm /usr/local/pkg/cron* ") ?
I haven't tried them both together in a while. I'm not aware of any issues. I'll have a look tomorrow and see what I can come up with. It would make sense that you'd see that error if they both try to make the same function name.
This should hopefully be fixed for backup and cron. They were defining functions with the same names.
I see quite a few others that would conflict, too, so I'm fixing those up as well.
@jimp:This should hopefully be fixed for backup and cron. They were defining functions with the same names.
I see quite a few others that would conflict, too, so I'm fixing those up as well.
It's very nice of you, thank you.
So I should be able to reinstall "backup" in the near future?I will follow it closely. Thank you very much for your excellent work and your availability.
I got the same issue with the i386 snapshot of built on Tue Nov 9 09:10:34 EST 2010
Packages don't really matter with snapshots really, they are the same regardless of what image you are on (unless there was work being done on the package system, which there isn't much lately)
If you reinstall both Backup and Cron now they should coexist, though there may be others that still conflict. I found several out there that have some other conflicting function names, but haven't fixed them all yet.
@jimp:Packages don't really matter with snapshots really, they are the same regardless of what image you are on (unless there was work being done on the package system, which there isn't much lately)
If you reinstall both Backup and Cron now they should coexist, though there may be others that still conflict. I found several out there that have some other conflicting function names, but haven't fixed them all yet.
Thanks Jimp.
Backup is reinstalled. No problem for now. I'll confirm at next bootup - last time the problem appeared at bootup - tomorrow morning (GMT+3 for meĀ ;)) -
Everything is working fine.