Uncertain about adding [exclude_hosts] line
I'm new here and I do not have much experience with Squid - but all is working well so far.In our web configurator for the MIG, we currently have the following lines in the 'custom options' box:
redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c /usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf;redirector_bypass on;redirect_children 3
The guide stipulates… "You can put your own custom options here, separated by semi-colons (;). Important: All options entered here need to be squid.conf native, otherwise squid will NOT work."
MY QUESTION is this:
I need to EXCLUDE the IP of our CEO - so that his traffic does NOT appear in the reports (squid web browsing report).Can I simply add "exclude_host" to the end of the above line ?
IE: ….redirect_children 3; exclude_host
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you kindly.