Bugtracker bug?
I created a ticket (traffic shaper on vlans) with the ID 900, but I cant find it anymore.
poker-chtiWith the rapid development of gambling online, casino owners There is a natural concern about the degree of confidence the players to a casino. Indeed, if we take bets on the racetrack, for example, there can be seen first hand, who comes first, and who in the loser. As for the casino, they are based on random number generator,
activities and mechanisms of work hidden from the players. Naturally, in such circumstances may occur questions about the honesty of the casino, and especially - the online casino. Puzzled by this problem, casinos have carried out research among the players. The study aimed at answering the questions - how much trust the players to pokeroxx
authority of the casino, as they determine best for casino games in terms of its integrity? Past surveys have shown that the vast majority of players - men. There are about 90%. Accordingly, the female players of about 10%. They used the network for online games for more than three bodies. Only one percent of respondents "fall" of the Internet community. Having determined the range of factors influencing the preferences of players in relation to a casino, experts have formed four groups. So, the first based on what people's ideas about the degree of honesty casino - how convincing and complete information is available on the website
the casino. Important items that should be shown in this data - how much is legal status of the company that owns the site, information about the owners themselves, and how much the quality of that software through which is a game. Thus, whoever is going to open your own online casino must take into account all the mentioned items to gain the players and conduct their business fairly smoothly, knowing that any loopholes in the reputation of the casino will cause the outflow of ninipokertour
. By the way, no less important to have good feedback from the players' non-virtual "method - for example, using the phone. Maybe the trust of users to help and practice of large casinos, which are constantly publish the results of audits by international firms, which lead all the winnings for the month, so that visitors have seen - there really are won large sums of money. Perhaps it is enough expensive way to maintain the reputation, but, as practice shows, it works perfectly even skeptical people.
ultraspoker83 -
http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/900 is not about traffic shaping or VLANs.
Sure the ID was 900 and not something else?