PPPoE Server On OPT1 Interface
2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Mon Nov 15 16:00:39 EST 2010
[PFSense Load Balance (Ver2.0)][Pfsense Proxy(ver2.0)]/PPPoeUsers on OPT1 int
\StandardUsers on Lanall is working like a dream load balance on fw1 and and squid on fw2.
I have enabled PPPoE for local authentication on opt1 interface (fw2), in tests i can authenticate via PPPoE.
for some reason I cannot get DNS resolve and internet access.
I have setup a rule on the opt interface to allow PPPoE clients -> out but no joy.
a little help would go a long way i have been at this for several days now and have found very little documentation. if i get it working in the meantime i will update.Ron
I think for now you need to do manual outbound NAT rules for PPPoE server, so that you can set it to the proper subnet (same for PPTP or L2TP servers, too).
Thanks for that, had been trying outbound nat as had seen it in use for other vpn's but couldn't get it to work. i am going to run with fixed ip and mac control for know and try again next week.
if i have any joy i will post it hereThanks