Forum notifications get marked by spam filter
Hi forum admins,
it's rather annoying than problematic but when I receive notification about personal message or any topic that I am watching my spam-filter reports:
X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER SECTION, Duplicate header field: "MIME-Version"Indeed in headers we have "Mime-Version: 1.0" two times.
Is it fixable?
Thanks. -
That's crafted by SMF I presume, we have the latest stable version. It's open source, if you find a fix let me know.
In file Subs-post.php, function sendmail().
starting at line 670
apache_reset_timeout(); } } else -- $mail_result = $mail_result && smtp_mail($to_array, $subject, $message, $send_html ? $headers : "Mime-Version: 1.0" . $line_break . $headers); ++ $mail_result = $mail_result && smtp_mail($to_array, $subject, $message, $headers); // Everything go smoothly? return $mail_result;
!attention! I did not test it but looks like this is the line causing problem.