How to Delete Manual Outbound NAT Rules? (solved)
How do I delete a manual outbound NAT rule? I don't see the X button.
I'm running version 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Sat Nov 27 04:12:08 EST 2010
I solved my own problem. You have to select the rule(s) you want to delete and then click the X button at the bottom of the list. This is workable but is a little inconsistent with the Firewall rules page which has a delete button beside each rule.
Well, the x is there at the same position as in firewall rules tab. Just not for every single entry, but still you managed to find it ;-)
Not what I would call a critical issue, but I think it needs to be addressed at some point for the sake of consistency.
I went ahead and opened a ticket for this: put 2.1 as the target, if someone feels like writing the code and getting in 2.0 it's possible, but given that it's a relatively minor thing it could go either way.