Installation of imspector FAILED!
Beginning package installation for imspector…
Downloading package configuration file... done.
Saving updated package information... done.
Downloading imspector and its dependencies...
Checking for package installation...
imspector-0.8 (extracting)
pkg-config-0.23_1 could not download.
of imspector-0.8 failed!Installation aborted.Removing package...
Starting package deletion for imspector-0.8...done.
Starting package deletion for libiconv-1.11_1...done.
Starting package deletion for mysql-client-5.0.27...done.
Starting package deletion for sqlite3-3.3.7...done.
Removing imspector components...
Tabs items... done.
Menu items... done.
Services... done.
Loading package instructions...
Include file could not be found for inclusion.
Deinstall commands...
Not executing custom deinstall hook because an include is missing.
Removing package instructions...done.
Auxiliary files... done.
Package XML... done.
Configuration... done.
Failed to install package.Installation halted.
Can you try this again?
The package server was on the fritz so it was switched to a different mirror and we had to rebuild a significant amount of the package binaries.
This is working with the same error.
So is it working? Or broken? That sentence wasn't very clear.