Captive portal page not showing up
Is anyone else having problems with the captive portal not showing up?
I have to use the direct address for it to show up. -
Works fine, I just set up another 2.0 CP system yesterday. Make sure you're using the DNS forwarder or an allowed IP for DNS.
I am using the latest snapshot 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Thu Dec 16 04:59:28 EST 2010. DNS Forwarder is enabled, and the only way I am able to get the page to show up is if I manually type in the address for the captive portal. I have to resort back to the Dec 5th snap to make it work.
EDIT: I have traced it back to the 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Wed Dec 8 22:39:45 EST 2010 build. At this build, captive portal is not working.
I am running squid and lightsquid only on this box. Squid is set up in transparency mode. I have 7 vlans set up and one of them harbors the WRLS with the captive portal.
I traced the problem to snapshots at the beginning of Nov. The latest one I found that worked was the oct 30 snapshot.
Am using the newest snapshot from today 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Fri Dec 17 14:14:00 EST 2010. I still have to manually type in the address for the captive portal page.
At least I found an answer in the redmine search
The shell command
/sbin/sysctl net.inet.ip.fastforwarding=1
works for me.
Same proble here, I've updated PFsense from october 24 to dec 17, now Captive pooral is not working.
After upgrade from 25.10.2010 to snapshot 18.12.2010 my cp portal page doesn't show, excluded ip's are working as always
Best reards,
Looks like this should be resolved not in the next snapshot to come out, but the one after that.
Looking forward to testing this tomorrow.
Should be fixed on latest snapshots.