Wireless Router Instalation
Hi all, guess i'm just not getting it: but here it is: i got a dlink 625, as it was flashable, and I "thought" I could install an embeded version on to that, have pfsense running and have wireless et all: am i right out to lunch here? ive tried purusing the forms and google etc.. but no joy. is this possible?
thanks ???
No. You may be able to install one of the WRT series of Linux based firmwares (DD-WRT, OpenWRT or Tomato), but not pfSense.
No. You may be able to install one of the WRT series of Linux based firmwares (DD-WRT, OpenWRT or Tomato), but not pfSense.
The reason is that pfSense is built for a x86 family CPU (does the Dlink 625 have such a CPU? maybe it has MIPS or ARM or something else) with a subset of known ethernet and wireless interfaces (does the Dlink 625 have suitable network interfaces?)
It's Atheros, : i flashed it and changed it do ddwrt, as a test: but pfsense seems to only have the nano image file, as opposed to a .bin file>? (ps im running pf on my pII 400, with many happy results)
so what file / image do i need to begin with? i dont mind bricking this one, and if not, what Router should i look at buying ?
pps: many thanks.
I'll say it again - you cannot run pfSense on that router.
pfSense only runs on standard PC hardware (basically x86 or AMD64 - including WRAP). You cannot run it on one of these SOHO router/firwall devices. If you want to use one of those then you're limited to the likes of DD-WRT.
Okay, well that awnsers my question) guess im building a mini
It would probably be possible to compile pfSense for it, but it likely doesn't have enough flash memory to store the OS or enough RAM to run it.